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Unlocking Success Through the Power of Direct Mail

August 6, 2024

Unlocking Success Through the Power of Direct Mail

In today's digital age, marketing teams, agencies, and business leaders often focus their outreach on email campaigns, social media marketing, influencers, and display advertising. While these "shiny objects" of the digital marketing world come with evolving metrics to showcase their usefulness, they have a significant issue: people quickly grow immune to digital marketing messages.

From quickly scrolling past digital display ads to closing popups and sending emails to the spam folder, potential customers respond to being bombarded with digital ads from every company they deal with by simply ignoring many of them.

Differentiation is a core aspect of marketing, and decision-makers across various industries may find that physical, tangible messages delivered to targeted potential customers through direct mail are an effective way to differentiate their organizations from competitors.

Let's take just a few minutes to explore how direct mail can help set your company apart from the digital crowd, leave a lasting impression versus fleeting digital messages, and unlock success for your business.

Make a Lasting Impression

Every marketer should ask an important question: Do we want to create catchy ads or deliver messages that potential customers will retain when making a purchase?

If you answered the latter, the science is clear that reading and retaining any message via physical paper is far superior and will leave a longer-lasting impression than digital messages - and it's not even close.


Research on Business Folder in Multicolor Card Index. Closeup View. Blurred Image.


Consider these insights from recent studies:

  • Since the 1980s, researchers in psychology, computer engineering, and library and information science have published over 100 studies exploring differences in how people read on paper and screens. Before 1992, most experiments concluded that people read stories and articles on screens more slowly and remember less about them. Despite improvements in screen technology, recent surveys still suggest that people prefer paper when they need to concentrate for a long time and remember more of what they read on paper compared to digital screens (Carr).
  • Most studies published since the early 1990s confirm that paper still has advantages over screens as a reading medium. Digital devices can prevent people from efficiently navigating long texts and may subtly inhibit reading comprehension. Compared with paper, screens may drain more of our mental resources while reading and make it a little harder to remember what we read when we are done (Carr).
  • Studies show that both grade school and college students assume they'll get higher scores on a comprehension test if they have done the reading digitally. Yet, they score higher when they read the material in print before being tested (Urist).
  • Psychologists have demonstrated that when adults read news stories or transcripts of fiction, they remember more of the content than if they listen to identical pieces. Researchers found similar results with university students reading an article versus listening to a podcast of the text. A related study confirms that students do more mind-wandering when listening to audio than when reading (Urist).

With most of today's marketing messaging delivered digitally, customers receiving a well-crafted mailer can have a lasting impact. The ability to hold a tangible object on high-quality paper with well-designed images and copy is a differentiator in itself.

The tactile experience of holding that physical artistry is one of many benefits of decision-makers choosing direct mail over digital messages. Potential customers are also far more likely to remember the messages they receive via physical paper than they are from digital messages. The experience increases the perceived value of the message (tangible goods versus fleeting digital ads or deleted emails), holding a physical object adds a more tangible aspect to the company itself, and a well-designed mailer can leave a memorable impression on potential customers who receive it.

The Personal Touch: Building Trust and Credibility

Establishing trust with customers is crucial in any industry. Through crafting personalized and relevant messages, businesses can build brand affinity and trust before personal interactions by utilizing direct mail. Companies can use direct mail to demonstrate an understanding of their potential client's needs and priorities in many ways that meet regulatory personal information requirements.

Here are just a few examples:

  • A financial services firm could send personalized investment insights based on a recipient's portfolio.
  • A healthcare provider could share wellness tips tailored to specific demographics or community-based programs available for certain zip codes.
  • An insurance firm could provide plans unique to certain areas, such as older homes in Southern California, hail-prone areas like North Texas, or unique life insurance plans that cater to high-net-worth individuals in specific zip codes.

These personalized touches can leave a lasting impression on potential customers, helping to increase brand affinity, build brand trust, and add a personal touch.

Consider these insights from recent studies:

  • Since the 1980s, researchers in psychology, computer engineering, and library and information science have published over 100 studies exploring differences in how people read on paper and screens. Before 1992, most experiments concluded that people read stories and articles on screens more slowly and remember less about them. Despite improvements in screen technology, recent surveys still suggest that people prefer paper when they need to concentrate for a long time and remember more of what they read on paper compared to digital screens (Carr).
  • Most studies published since the early 1990s confirm that paper still has advantages over screens as a reading medium. Digital devices can prevent people from efficiently navigating long texts and may subtly inhibit reading comprehension. Compared with paper, screens may drain more of our mental resources while reading and make it a little harder to remember what we read when we are done (Carr).
  • Studies show that both grade school and college students assume they'll get higher scores on a comprehension test if they have done the reading digitally. Yet, they score higher when they read the material in print before being tested (Urist).
  • Psychologists have demonstrated that when adults read news stories or transcripts of fiction, they remember more of the content than if they listen to identical pieces. Researchers found similar results with university students reading an article versus listening to a podcast of the text. A related study confirms that students do more mind-wandering when listening to audio than when reading (Urist).

With most of today's marketing messaging delivered digitally, customers receiving a well-crafted mailer can have a lasting impact. The ability to hold a tangible object on high-quality paper with well-designed images and copy is a differentiator in itself.

The tactile experience of holding that physical artistry is one of many benefits of decision-makers choosing direct mail over digital messages. Potential customers are also far more likely to remember the messages they receive via physical paper than they are from digital messages. The experience increases the perceived value of the message (tangible goods versus fleeting digital ads or deleted emails), holding a physical object adds a more tangible aspect to the company itself, and a well-designed mailer can leave a memorable impression on potential customers who receive it.

The Personal Touch: Building Trust and Credibility

Establishing trust with customers is crucial in any industry. Through crafting personalized and relevant messages, businesses can build brand affinity and trust before personal interactions by utilizing direct mail. Companies can use direct mail to demonstrate an understanding of their potential client's needs and priorities in many ways that meet regulatory personal information requirements.

Here are just a few examples:

  • A financial services firm could send personalized investment insights based on a recipient's portfolio.
  • A healthcare provider could share wellness tips tailored to specific demographics or community-based programs available for certain zip codes.
  • An insurance firm could provide plans unique to certain areas, such as older homes in Southern California, hail-prone areas like North Texas, or unique life insurance plans that cater to high-net-worth individuals in specific zip codes.

These personalized touches can leave a lasting impression on potential customers, helping to increase brand affinity, build brand trust, and add a personal touch.

Targeted Campaigns: Reaching the Right Audience

Due to the marketing strategy's time-tested effectiveness, a wealth of data is available to help inform focused direct mail campaigns. Highly targeted direct mail campaigns allow companies to ensure that the right message reaches the correct audience segment in a way that will leave a lasting impression on the recipient.

Decision-making executives can use data analytics tools and strategies to identify potential customers who are receptive to their message and highly likely to convert. For example, based on the available data, a healthcare insurance company could target individuals in a specific age group or who live within a particular geographic area and are likely to need health coverage.

By using data-based practices and analytics to send targeted mailers, businesses can cut through the noise and send specific messages to potential customers who are likely to respond positively.


Direct Mail Advertising - Three Arrows Hit in Red Target on a Hanging Sack on Natural Bokeh Background.-1


Complementing Digital Strategies: A Multichannel Approach

Depending on who you ask, marketing and sales leaders generally understand that it takes seven to thirteen "touches" to make a sale or convert a potential customer. Delivering the same message to the same potential customer multiple times will not be a successful conversion tactic, nor will slightly different messages be delivered in the same format.

Direct mail is a powerful and tactile marketing tool, but it reaches its true potential when the format integrates into a multichannel or omnichannel marketing strategy.

When done using data-based best practices, incorporating direct mail into a marketing strategy that includes digital channels such as email, social media, and display advertising can build a seamless and creative brand experience for your potential customers. This combination of touchpoints can keep your brand "top of mind" when it's time for them to make a purchase.

For example, a financial services firm could send a targeted direct mail piece that is personalized to a specific group of clients or potential clients to introduce a new financial product. Then, a targeted email campaign and social media ads that work in concert to reinforce the message can follow the mailing, ensure that it "sticks," and increase conversions.

This type of targeted multichannel approach maximizes the campaign reach, engagement, and brand affinity, allowing businesses to connect with prospects across different touchpoints and increasing the likelihood of higher Conversion Rates (CVR), Return On Marketing Investment (ROMI), and lower Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).

Embracing the Power of Direct Mail

Decision-making executives can help set their companies apart from competitors by embracing and recognizing the power of direct mail.

The personal and memorable touch, targeting capabilities, lasting and tangible impact, and multichannel potential that direct mail provides can help companies leave a lasting impression and build strong brand recognition from the first mailer campaign.


Blue Mailbox with Mails Isolated on White



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Contact National Graphics Today

If you would like to know more about how our team at National Graphics can help your company leave a lasting impact on current clients and convert more potential clients through data-based direct mail campaigns, contact us today at (805) 695-3116 or email us at